Every year, we spent Thanksgiving and Christmas at the Moultons. They have become our extended family and we are very grateful for having them in our life. We were invited to spend the day with them again this year and everyone is looking forward to it.
I always try to bring something, food wise, to share with everyone. Since I like baking the most, I usually end up bringing desert. I used to bring the traditional: pumpkin pie, apple crisp, etc... But the past few years I tried to bring more non-traditional baked goods like my "Coco Puffs Squares" or Nicholas' favorites: Peanut Butter Bars. I did bake Peanut Butter Bars last night. But I also decided to try something different; I baked some "Spice Cake Cupcakes" (once again, with the help of Dunkin Hines).

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, Christina and I made little Turkey decorations to put on top of the cupcakes. I have to admit, it was a lot of fun to do and I think they turned out pretty cute! Hopefully, they will taste as good as they look!
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