Two nights ago, Catie woke me up a lot in the middle of the night; She was liking herself, scratching, etc... I had no idea what was bothering her until the next morning when I checked her fur and found out that she had been picking at her cyst.
She has had a cyst on her chest for a few years now. At first it was the size of a pea. The veterinarian said it was nothing serious and that it could be removed surgically. But since it wasn't bothering Catie, we opted not to have it removed.
Of course, over the years, it has grown; It is now the size of an egg and up until Friday night, it didn't seem to bother her.
But now that she has started to pick at it, she won't stop. It is irritated and she has managed to "lick off" all the fur around it! So yesterday, I went to the store and bought a cone. I put it on her last night and I have to admit, I slept much better!
I took it off in the morning so she could eat without any obstruction and left it off while I went to take my shower. In 20 minutes, she did even more damage... So the cone is back on and it is not coming off until we see the vet! Hopefully, Dr. Pope can get rid of it without having to put her under general anesthesia; I would hate for Catie to have surgery, given her age. And hopefully, it is not a symptom of something more serious.
Poor Catie... She doesn't seem to mind though. And when Allan started calling her "Cone Head", I yelled at him! I am a firm believer that dogs know when you are making fun of them. And Catie doesn't deserve this... She our sweet old girl!